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Advent of Code Leaderboard 2023 / Day 6

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Name Language Tokens Sum Tokens Part 1 Tokens Part 2 Last change
1 Profile imageSharparam Ruby 134 80 54 15 months ago


  • You're welcome to participate alone or in a team.
  • You may submit multiple solutions and explore different programming languages.
  • Stick to the standard library of your language, no further dependencies/libraries, except the ones which OneCompiler provides (e.g. NumPy for Python).
  • Ensure your code aligns to the template (Python, Rust, Go, Kotlin, JavaScript, C#, TypeScript, C++, Java, C, Swift, Scala, Ruby, Bash), reading the puzzle input from stdin (terminated with end-of-file), and printing the solution to stdout.
  • Please refrain from making network requests, reading data from files, or storing data in variable/function/class names for reflection.
  • Your code must be able to process all valid Advent of Code inputs. Golfcoder might reevaluate correctness of your solution with different inputs after your submission.

80 tokens in Ruby for part 1 by Sharparam

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